Source code for keywords

Keywords for tests

from PIL.Image import open as Iopen
from PIL.ImageChops import difference
from base64 import encodestring
from httplib import HTTPConnection
from itertools import imap
from json import dumps
from math import sqrt
from operator import add
from os import environ
from robot.api import logger
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn

def _get_driver():
    """Get Selenium2Library driver

    :returns: Selenium2Library driver
    :rtype: instance
    return BuiltIn().get_library_instance('Selenium2Library')

def _get_browser():
    """Get current browser

    :returns: current browser
    :rtype: instance
    return getattr(_get_driver(), '_current_browser')()

def _get_screenshot():
    """Get screenshot path

    :returns: path to screenshot
    :rtype: string
    return getattr(_get_driver(), '_get_screenshot_paths')(None)[0]

[docs]def compare_screenshot_to_base(baseline, diff=100): """Calculate the exact difference between two images. :param string baseline: [required] base screenshot to compare :param int diff: value of maximum difference Example:: Compare screenshot to base base_screenshot.jpg """ path = _get_screenshot() current_browser = _get_browser() if hasattr(current_browser, 'get_screenshot_as_file'): current_browser.get_screenshot_as_file(path) else: current_browser.save_screenshot(path) img1 = Iopen(path) img2 = Iopen(baseline) his1 = img1.histogram() his2 = img2.histogram() sqrtdiff = lambda a, b: (a - b) ** 2 rms = sqrt(reduce(add, imap(sqrtdiff, his1, his2)) / len(his1))"RMS diff: %s" % rms) if rms > 0: idiff = difference(img1, img2) path = path.replace(".png", ".jpg")"diff image: %s" % path) if rms > diff: raise AssertionError( "Image: %s is different from baseline: %s" % (path, baseline))
[docs]def report_sauce_status(job_id, test_status): """Report test status to Sauce service :param string job_id: [required] saucelabs job id :param string test_status: [required] status of test :returns: request status code :rtype: int or string Example:: Report sauce status ${SESSION_ID} ${TEST_STATUS} """ username = environ.get('SAUCE_USERNAME') access_key = environ.get('SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY') if not job_id: return u"No Sauce job id found. Skipping..." elif not username or not access_key: return u"No Sauce environment variables found. Skipping..." token = encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, access_key))[:-1] body = dumps({'passed': test_status == 'PASS'}) connection = HTTPConnection('') connection.request('PUT', '/rest/v1/%s/jobs/%s' % (username, job_id), body, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % token}) return connection.getresponse().status
[docs]def get_session_id(): """Get session id :returns: session id :rtype: string Example:: ${SESSION_ID} = Get Session Id """ try: session_id = _get_browser().session_id except AttributeError: session_id = "" return session_id